You can use our free slogan generator to get help with this task. You may also want to check out our slogan ideas page for more info on constructing your own slogan examples. Study the slogan examples listed below to see how those popular companies formulated their message. You will discover that you will most likely know many of these slogan examples. Your familiarity with them proves that a catchy well-promoted slogan can be a powerful marketing tool.
Slogan Examples
Here are some popular slogan examples from well-known companies:
- Adidas - Impossible is Nothing
- AT&T - Reach out and touch someone. (US, 1979, music written by David Lucas)
- Avis - We're No. 2. We Try Harder. (US, 1962)
- Cadbury - A glass and a half in every half-pound (UK, 1920s-2010)
- California Milk Processor Board - Got Milk? (US, 1993)
- Coca-Cola - It's the real thing. (International, 1969)
- Crest toothpaste - Look, Ma! No cavities! (US, 1958)
- De Beers - A diamond is forever. (1948)
- Disneyland - The happiest place on earth (US, 1960s)
- FedEx - When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight (US, 1982)
- Ford - Built for the road ahead
- Gamestop - Power to the players
- General Electric - We bring good things to life. (US, 1981)
- Gillette - The best a man can get (US)
- Heineken - Refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach (UK, 1970s-2005)
- John Deere Tractor - Nothing runs like a Deere.
- Kay Jewelers - Every kiss begins with Kay
- Kellogg's Frosted Flakes - They're gr-r-reat! (US, 1950s)
- Kodak - Share moments. Share life. (US, 1990s)
- KFC - Finger-lickin' good! (US, 1952)
- L'Oreal - Because I'm worth it
- Macy's - Way to shop
- Maxwell House coffee - Good to the last drop. (US, 1907)
- M&M's - Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. (US, 1954)
- New York State - I [heart] New York
- Nike - Just do it. (1988)
- NOKIA - Connecting people
- Persil washes whiter (UK, 1958)
- Office Max - Relentless focus on you
- Raid - Kills bugs dead (US, 1966)
- Rice Crispies - Snap Crackle Pop Rice Crispies
- Samsung - Everyone's invited
- Skittles - Taste the rainbow
- Sony - like.no.other make.believe
- Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages - Let your fingers do the walking. (US, 1962)
- Tesco - Every little helps; The price is dropping on your weekly shopping. (UK)
- Timex watch - Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
- The Partnership for a Drug-Free America - This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions? (US, 1987)
- T-Mobile - Stick Together
- Toonami - The revolution will be televised
- Toys 'R Us - I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys 'R Us kid (US 1982)
- United Airlines - Fly the friendly skies. (US, 1966)
- United Negro College Fund - A mind is a terrible thing to waste. (US, 1972)
- Verizon - Rule the Air
- Wal-Mart - Always Low Prices; Save money. Live better. (US)
- XBOX 360 - life's short, play more